Motion - Bug Report 2007x 11x 28x 151359
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2007x11x28x151359 (02 Dec 2007, AngelCarpintero)Edit Attach

BUG: multiple definition of `file_protocol'

I used the latest svn from ffmpeg, configured it with "./configure" (and make, make install) and got the daily snap of motion (20071128-051001). I then configured motion with "./configure --with-ffmpeg=/usr/local". I got a TON of "undefined reference to" until I added "-lavutil" in the LIB section of the Makefile. The only thing it complains about now is file_protocol. 3.2.9 has this problem but also 20071128-051001.

Linking Motion...
gcc -lmjpegutils -llavjpeg -L/usr/local/lib -o motion motion.o conf.o draw.o video.o video2.o video_common.o netcam.o netcam_ftp.o netcam_jpeg.o netcam_wget.o track.o alg.o event.o picture.o rotate.o webhttpd.o webcam.o ffmpeg.o -lm  -lpthread -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lavformat -lavcodec -lavutil -lm -lz
/usr/local/lib/libavformat.a(file.o):(.data+0x0): multiple definition of `file_protocol'
ffmpeg.o:(.data+0x40): first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [motion] Error 1


Motion version: 3.2.9
ffmpeg version: SVN-r11107
Shared libraries: ffmpeg
Server OS: Debian lenny/sid, 2.6.22-1-k7

-- GerbenRoest - 28 Nov 2007

Follow up

How did you compile ffmpeg ?

I tried to reproduce in debian etch with ffmpeg svn -r11130 and no errors.

btw if you install ffmpeg in /usr/local don't need to specify --with-ffmpeg=/usr/local

* ffmpeg

./configure --enable-shared ; make ; make install

* motion

   *   Configure status   *

OS             :     Linux
pthread Support:     Yes
jpeg Support:        Yes
mjpeg Support:       No
V4L included:        Yes
V4L2 supported:      Yes
FFmpeg Support:      Yes
MYSQL Support:       Yes
PostgreSQL Support:  Yes

CFLAGS:  -g -O2 -DHAVE_FFMPEG -I/usr/local/include/ffmpeg -DHAVE_FFMPEG_NEW -DHAVE_MYSQL -I/usr/include/mysql -DHAVE_PGSQL -I/usr/include/postgresql -DMOTION_V4L2 -DTYPE_32BIT="int" -DHAVE_BSWAP   -march=pentium2 -mfpmath=387  -mmmx
LIBS: -lm  -lpthread -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lavformat -lavcodec -lm -lz -L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient -lz -L/usr/lib -lpq
LDFLAGS:   -L/usr/local/lib

# make

gcc -g -O2 -DHAVE_FFMPEG -I/usr/local/include/ffmpeg -DHAVE_FFMPEG_NEW -DHAVE_MYSQL -I/usr/include/mysql -DHAVE_PGSQL -I/usr/include/postgresql -DMOTION_V4L2 -DTYPE_32BIT="int" -DHAVE_BSWAP   -march=pentium2 -mfpmath=387  -mmmx -Wall -DVERSION=\"3.2.9\" -D_REENTRANT -Dsysconfdir=\"/usr/local/etc\"   -c -o ffmpeg.o ffmpeg.c


Linking Motion...
gcc -L/usr/local/lib -o motion motion.o conf.o draw.o video.o video2.o video_common.o netcam.o netcam_ftp.o netcam_jpeg.o netcam_wget.o track.o alg.o event.o picture.o rotate.o webhttpd.o webcam.o ffmpeg.o -lm  -lpthread -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lavformat -lavcodec -lm -lz -L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient -lz -L/usr/lib -lpq 
Motion has been linked.

-- AngelCarpintero - 02 Dec 20

Fix record

Topic revision: r2 - 02 Dec 2007, AngelCarpintero
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