Motion - Bug Report 2008x 06x 28x 184949
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2008x06x28x184949 (20 Sep 2008, AngelCarpintero)Edit Attach

BUG: Deb packages for ubuntu try to run daemon when installing it

When installing "motion" with the deb packages provided for ubuntu hardy, the install process then invokes invoke-rc.d and the motion service is started, before the system has even been configured. However, if the default config happens to work (as it will if there is a camera plugged in) then the program just starts and doesn't terminate, so the install never finishes. If you interrupt it, the install is marked as incomplete, and it tries to do this again on any attempt to install packages.

First of all, the install should always complete, ideally with no interaction with the user.

Secondly, I think it may be an error to want to install this as an enabled daemon before the user has tried to configure it and knows what they have asked for. Most programs leave their daemon mode disabled in their config file, and let the user enable it if they truly want the program to run at boot. People who are just trying out a program don't want it to be turned into a boot time daemon without asking for that, unless that's the only reasonable way to run the program.




Motion version:
ffmpeg version: na
Shared libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Ubuntu Hardy 2.6.24

-- BradTempleton - 28 Jun 2008

Follow up

Interesting , strange that nobody in debian , ubuntu complains about ... but you are right let me fix.

Released a new version with --no-start parameter, please resolve or add any other issue on this bug.

-- AngelCarpintero - 28 Jun 2008

Fix record

Resolved in latest deb.

-- AngelCarpintero - 20 Sep 2008

BugReportForm edit

TopicTitle Deb packages for ubuntu try to run daemon when installing it
BugStatus Released
AssignedBugTo AngelCarpintero
SubmittedBy BradTempleton
Topic revision: r3 - 20 Sep 2008, AngelCarpintero
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