Motion - Bug Report 2009x 03x 18x 151039
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2009x03x18x151039 (03 Apr 2009, RomanGaufman)Edit Attach

BUG: on_camera_lost not triggered if video_pipe doesn't work for any reason.

One of the vloopback inputs suddenly stopped working for some reason after a few months. This happened mid event recording and suddenly the log file was filled with messages like:

[1] v4l_startpipe: Opened /dev/video26 as input

[1] v4l_startpipe: Opening /dev/video26 as input failed: Device or resource busy

I'm not able to reproduce this on any other motion installation but it would have been useful if on_camera_lost was triggered to email me that the camera is no longer recording.

UPDATE: Happened on another DVR with an SAA7134 chip after 29 days of running (previously happened on a DVR with BT878 chips) - nasty, nasty critical bug frown, sad smile


Motion version: r442
ffmpeg version:  
Shared libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS:  

-- RomanGaufman - 18 Mar 2009

Follow up

Fix record

BugReportForm edit

TopicTitle on_camera_lost not triggered if video_pipe doesn't work for any reason.
BugStatus New
SubmittedBy RomanGaufman
Topic revision: r2 - 03 Apr 2009, RomanGaufman
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