Motion - Bug Report 2009x 03x 29x 202528
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2009x03x29x202528 (09 Jul 2009, AngelCarpintero)Edit Attach

BUG: ffmpeg_video_codec flv - encode without FPS

when i have options:

framerate 15

ffmpeg_video_codec mpeg4

I get correct movie file my.avi with FPS=15

when I try to use: ffmpeg_video_codec flv

i'll get movie file my.flv but it containes no FPS at all and when i try to play it - it plays as quick, as my computer can read and display.

if I use mpeg4 option and then encodes my.avi to my.flv (ffmpeg -i /var/data/webcam/my.avi -f flv -r 15 -b 2400k /var/data/webcam/my.flv) - all works fine, but computers have to do double job: encode to mpeg4 and then reencode mpeg4 to flv

I think some options missed for ffmpeg lib to correct encode in flv files


Motion version: 3.2.11
ffmpeg version: FFmpeg version SVN-r16916
Shared libraries: ffmpeg
Server OS: gentoo linux

-- PavelIvl - 29 Mar 2009

Follow up

Fix record


- Please read here, please :

-- FlorinAnton - 29 Mar 2009

A formal answer might be : Ask to ffmpeg guys .. because looks a problem on their side ... maybe they have fixed this in latest versions of ffmpeg.

-- AngelCarpintero - 09 Jul 2009
Topic revision: r3 - 09 Jul 2009, AngelCarpintero
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