Motion - Bug Report 2009x 06x 17x 090603
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2009x06x17x090603 (17 Apr 2010, AngelCarpintero)Edit Attach

BUG: SEGV on reload or quit for vloopback (maybe other v4l1 devices too)

I configured two threads. The first pipes throu vloopback to thread two.

On quit or restart i got a segv:

[1] vid_v4lx_start: Using V4L2

[1] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items

[2] vid_v4lx_start: Failed to open video device /dev/video2: Invalid argument

[2] motion_init: Could not fetch initial image from camera Motion continues using width and height from config file(s)

[2] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items

[2] http_bindsock: motion-stream testing : IPV4 addr: port: 8082

[2] http_bindsock: motion-stream Bound : IPV4 addr: port: 8082

[2] motion_init: Started motion-stream server in port 8082

[2] motion_loop: Retrying until successful connection with camera

[2] vid_v4lx_start: Failed to open video device /dev/video2: Invalid argument

[1] motion_init: Opening video loopback device for normal pictures

[1] v4l_startpipe: Opened /dev/video1 as input

[1] http_bindsock: motion-stream testing : IPV4 addr: port: 8081

[1] http_bindsock: motion-stream Bound : IPV4 addr: port: 8081

[1] motion_init: Started motion-stream server in port 8081 [2] motion_loop: Retrying until successful connection with camera

[2] v4l2_get_capability: Not a V4L2 device?

[2] v4l_start: Using VIDEO_PALETTE_YUV420P palette [2] vid_v4lx_start: Using V4L1


[1] motion_loop: Thread exiting

[1] stream_stop: Closing motion-stream listen socket & active motion-stream sockets

[2] motion_loop: Thread exiting

[2] stream_stop: Closing motion-stream listen socket & active motion-stream sockets

[2] stream_stop: Closed motion-stream listen socket & active motion-stream sockets

[2] motion_cleanup: Calling vid_close() from motion_cleanup

[2] vid_close: Closing video device /dev/video2

Segmentation fault

For v4l1 devices motion does only one mmap so why do two munmaps?


Motion version: 3.2.11
ffmpeg version:  
Shared libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS:  

-- PeterHolik - 17 Jun 2009

Follow up

Fix record

Index: video_common.c
--- video_common.c (Revision 444)
+++ video_common.c (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -570,8 +570,7 @@
} else {
- munmap(viddevs->v4l_buffers[0], viddevs->size_map);
- munmap(viddevs->v4l_buffers[1], viddevs->size_map);
+ munmap(dev->v4l_buffers[0], dev->size_map);
#ifdef MOTION_V4L2

Thanks Peter ... you are right that was a unhandled bug as i think no many people uses a v4l1 device.

Going to add a formal patch to release notes of 3.2.11.

-- AngelCarpintero - 12 Jul 2009

Dear Angel,

I am a new user to motion/ vloopback and having problems with vloopback.

Motion works just fine on 2.6.31 with v4l2 (Hardware: Logilink VG0001 with Easycap Driver).

I install vloopback with: modprobe vloopback dev_offset=1

and I get /dev/video0 which still works normal with motion and video1 and video2.

When I want to start another instance with motion accessing video1 or 2 I get:

video1: Not a V4L2 device?

video2: Failed to open video device /dev/video2: Invalid argument

Isn't Vloopback a virtual V4L2 device? If not, how come you write "i think no many people uses a v4l1 device". So anybody using Vloopback is using a V4L1 device?!

Is there a solution to this mentioned problem?

Many thanks from Ruben!

Please open a new bug or support request instead.

-- AngelCarpintero - 17 Apr 2010
Topic revision: r5 - 17 Apr 2010, AngelCarpintero
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