Motion - Bug Report 2014x 09x 02x 113959
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2014x09x02x113959 (10 Nov 2014, GiovanniLicata)Edit Attach

BUG: Libjpeg Crash during conversion (YUV420 to JPEG)

I use motion for my surveillance system and sometimes I get segfault when motion convert YUV420 to JPEG for streaming. I notice that this happens in some circumstances where CCTV camera (i use analogue camera connected with bttv capture card) is subjected to environment with many colors (I know sounds really strange).

The directive ffmpeg_deinterlace solves the problem but streamed image lost quality.

Hardware check is ok (main board, cpu, disc, ram ...)

My sistem an old debian version (debian lenny)

Motion trunkREV516 (I can get the problem with 3.2.12 versioin too) libjpeg62 Version: 6b-14

I have used motion in many surveillance system and sometime (2% of system) I got this strange problem. Someone could help me to undestand why ffmpeg_deinterlace solves?


Paste in your error messages, config settings, terminal window output etc in this text field.


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version:  
Shared libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS:  
-- GiovanniLicata - 02 Sep 2014

Follow up

What are the picture dimensions? What I have observed is that if the height or width are not a even multiple of 16, the streaming function may at times crash with a segfault. The larger the image, the more likely it is to crash. Note that if this is the same issue, the crash will occur right when you open the browser to look at the stream and the only resolution at the moment is to change the picture dimensions so that both the height and width are each even multiples of 16.


Dimension 320x240.

Fix record

Topic revision: r3 - 10 Nov 2014, GiovanniLicata
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