Motion - Bug Report 2016x 08x 20x 112444
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>BugReports>BugReport2016x08x20x112444 (21 Aug 2016, WolframFischer)Edit Attach

solved! BUG: mask image ignored or wrong setup?

I have 4 IP-Cams running (thread-1.conf, thread-2.conf ...) and i added 2 lines to each of it:

mask_file /home/motion_masken/vorne.pgm smart_mask_speed 0

I converted a picture of each cam, made the ignored areas to black and the aktive area to white colour and converted it to pgm using djpeg -grayscale -pnm /home/motion_masken/vorne.jpg > /home/motion_masken/vorne.pgm.

is it right to put those 2 lines in each of the thread-x.conf's or does it have to sit in motion.conf? If so, how to declare the different mask-pics?

I have no still-pictures, only swf video. Is this function only working with pictures or pictures and movies?

mask_file /home/motion_masken/vorne.pgm
smart_mask_speed 0


Motion version:  
ffmpeg version:  
Shared libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: debian wheezy, 4.4.17-v7+
-- WolframFischer - 20 Aug 2016

Follow up

As I said upwards I made those settings and IT WORKS!

Only thing is, one can not "see" that mask on the recorded movie or pictures! (Like Zoneminder does)

But those black areas are ignored and motion detection happens only in those white areas of the mask pic.

Its not a comfortable action to make those mask pics but i think the author is working on it.

Now my setup is fine in that matter!


Fix record

Topic revision: r3 - 21 Aug 2016, WolframFischer
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