Motion - Release Note Motion 3x 1x 17

Release Note - Motion 3.1.17

3.1.17 Bugfix release

snap1 snap2
  • Implemented a new lightswitch feature so that is now triggers lightswitch detected based on the percentage of pixels set by the lightswitch option which is now an integer instead of a boolean. When lightswitch is detected motion skips 5 frames to allow camera to settle.
  • Fixed a bug in the autobrightness function.
  • Fixed a bug in netcam_start() - wrong imgs.size calculation
  • Swapped width and height parameters in some functions. This has no influence on program execution. Just a cosmetic change.

-- KennethLavrsen - 29 Jan 2005
Topic revision: r1 - 29 Jan 2005, KennethLavrsen
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