Motion - Support Question 2015x 02x 03x 013740

Extra frames detected after real motion


I have been running Motion with a TrendNet IP100 and 2 Foscam 8910W cameras. Everything has been great, my only issue is that I end up with 10-20 images after there is real motion on only the Foscam cameras. This only happens after actual motion occurs, and it will sometimes report a significant pixel motion count. This is not post-capture or pre-capture, it draws the motion box on the image and reports the value but no movement is there. Changing noise_level helps a bit, but causes me to miss actual motion and I don't have issues with extra images when there isn't a real event first. This is making file management a bit of work as about half of the stored images are from after an actual event and show no actual movement.

Paste in your error messages, config settings, terminal window output etc in this text field.


Motion version: 3.2.12
ffmpeg version:  
Libraries: ffmpeg, mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Slackware 14.1
-- SteveDyk - 03 Feb 2015


Hi. Could this be the apparently undocumented 10 second "Accept Static Object Time" feature? The idea of this feature is that if motion is detected and then stops, such as someone jumping into the middle of the picture and then standing still there, then that static object is counted as motion for 10 seconds. It seems to happen when you switch a light on in the picture but do not have the "lightswitch" feature enabled. The newly illuminated pixels are counted as Static Objects according to this feature and are said to be in motion for 10 seconds. You can see the operation of this feature in the "alg_update_reference_frame()" function in alg.c.

Now I'm a newbie to all this. Do I mark this question as Answered? Being such a Motion novice means my answer could be completly wrong.
Topic revision: r2 - 17 Feb 2015, AlanFord
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