Open2300 - Ope N 2300 Cplus Plus Version
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Open2300 C++ Version


Starting with open2300 v 1.10, I am doing an Object Oriented Design into C++. I am relying totally on the logic, procedures, and constants in the C version.

What does it do?

I anticipate it will do the same things the C version does, and have a very similar command line interface. So why bother? For starters, this sort of thing is my hobby, and I enjoy the work and challenge. It is pretty well recognized that OOD is better than procedure oriented design, and produces code which is more robust and easier to maintain/modify/debug. It also enables greater re-usability. These things are so not because I say so, but as demonstrated by millions of lines of such designs built in the last 15 years.

At the moment I am using Red Hat Fedora Core 3. I have the Linux-specific stuff in one class (module), and the remainder is as generic, portable, and platform-independent as I can make it. I would like to hear from anyone interested in this activity, and in particular in building a Windows (or other OS) module for porting to that platform.

Attached Files

Will be uploading files shortly.


What do you need to install before?

How do you install the program? (assume talking to a newbie)

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Comments and Bug Reports

Topic revision: r2 - 20 Aug 2005, JimCollins
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