Open2300 - Open WS Links
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You are very welcome to add a link and short description of your weather station below.

Weather at Jim's Photos

Jim Reda, Jericho, VT 05465

Updated every minute. Status are averages over the last 60 minutes.

Kenneth Lavrsen's Weather Station

Glostrup, Denmark

Walt A. Boring IV's open2300 Wx Station

Walter Boring, Cool, California. USA

Updated every minute. Custom made web site using mysql to store data and phpHtmlLib to build the website.

Website source code here...

Sven Dittmar's Weather Station

Sindelfingen, Germany (only updated infrequently, using Cacti / RRDtool 1.2 to visualize)

coronas Weather Station

Leopoldshöhe, near Bielefeld, Germany, updated at 5 minute intervalls. Using Munin to visualize. Cool thing about munin is, that it can trigger nagios on pre-defined alarm levels (warning, critical). So you can plot the data using munin, trigger nagios in case it starts to rain and have an email sent home asking to please close the windows (just a technology demonstration, not advised in real life btw smile ).

Cachrov Weather Station

Cachrov, near Klatovy , Czech Republic, updated at 5 minute intervalls. Statistics and graphs are still under construction frown, sad smile Will be soon ...

Mike's Weather Station

New York, NY - data at 10 min intervals, page updated at 30 minute intervals.

Guenter Heck's Weather Station

Waldbröl, near Cologne, Germany, updated at 5 minute intervalls. Graphs, statistics, world wide weather data and live weather webcam.

Cyril's Weather Station

Villeurbanne, France, updated at 1 minute intervalls. French but very simple interface. Ws2305 station. Rq : Don't take care of the wind direction because external captors are located on a building side. (link broken 17/3/09)

Goewetter Weatherstation

GÃà ‚¶ttingen, Germany, updated at 30 minute intervalls, position 51.536 N, 9.898 E, position on a roof of an fire department (district grone)

KC7ZRU Weather Station

West side of Casper, Wyoming, USA - area is known localy as "Paradise Valley".
60 second updates. Also visible via APRS as KC7ZRU. I'm using xastir to feed location and weather data into the APRS-IS. See for an example of APRS mapping and data. Click the link on the left of that page: 'Weather data' for graphed data. Different server and graphing system than what's used at my station. (link broken 17/3/09)

Ponte di Legno Weather Station

Located in Woodbridge, Ontario -- a suburb of Toronto. The site is updated every 5 minutes and is linked to weather underground for history. (link broken 17/3/09)

Rougemont Weather Center, Rougemont, NC, US

Running under Fedora Core 8/Apache. Ajax real time screens from a mysql database. Realtime graphs. Feeds both the US Citizen Weather Project and Weather Underground from the mysql database. Weather-cam.

Tibo's Weather Station

Located in Eragny, suburb of Paris (30 mk WNW). The data are updated every hour from data collected every 10 minutes. Graphs are only personal design. Comments are highly appreciated. An other section translate the TAF/METAR (aéronautical weather) in french with a search engine based one the town name (France/Belgium only) (link broken 17/3/09)

EmptySoft Weather Station

Located in Graz, Austria. The data is updated every 1minute. There is also a Archive (link broken 17/3/09)

Southampton Weather Station

Located in the centre of Southampton U.K. ( Close to the Railway Station ). Also has an SVG based weather "Guage" that reads the xml files produced by xml2300. Feel free to copy, use and enhance. (link broken 17/3/09)

Weather Station Prenzlau

Located in the Northern East Germany( Close to a Railway Bridge). When you follow the link "Wetter" there is some graphical statistics that come from a PHP script programmed by myself which show actual weather situation and an overview of the current day and current month. There are also two webcams available. (btw:thx for your software)

Uncle Richy - South Yorkshire

Located in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. Currently a work in progress with details on running under FreeBSD with the aid of rrdtool and log2300. Updated every 5 minutes with more graphs on the way...(01 Oct 2006)

Snowcroft Weather - Ipswich, Suffolk, UK

Located in Capel St Mary near Ipswich in Suffolk. Uses a combination of a Perl program to run hist2300 and deliver them up to a mySQL database. Then uses a modified copy of Weathergraphs to show daily and weekly data. Enjoy (Nov '06)

Andy Brown - Hartlepool, Cleveland, UK

Uses modified versions of open2300 to capture data, store to local MySQL database which is then cacti graphed, and also uploaded to WeatherUnderground using the RapidFire patch. Data from Cacti+MySQL is used by my local community radio station Radio Hartlepool for local weather condition reports! (Jan '07)

Academ Consulting Services - Houston, Texas, US

Running under Apache 2.2 on FreeBSD 6.2. Samples taken every five minutes. Feeds both the US Citizen Weather Project and WeatherUnderground.

Tiuhti weatherstation, Hiekkaharju, Vantaa, Finland

Small custom made (php) pages for current weather and graphs of history data. Running under Debian GNU/Linux (unstable) Apache2+MySQL.

F2FT weather station, Cassis, France

Running under Linux on a dedicated Linksys uNSLUng NSLU2 ("the Slug"). Bash scripts to generate data from open2300. Data sent to remote server. Display generated on remote server using PHP 5. Data updated every 10 minutes. Feeds also Weather Underground (station-id = IBOUCHES4) and Citizen Weather Observer Program (station-id = F2FT).

Weather station, Savennieres, France

Running under Linux "OpenWrt 2.4.34" and Lighttpd on a dedicated ASUS WL-500G Premium. Cron generate data from open2300 and sent to remote server every 10 minutes. Feeds also Weather Underground (station-id = IPAYSDEL7). You can find a french translation on how to connect open2300 on a router WL500gp

Ljubljana Weather Station, Slovenia, EU

Running on gentoo-linux, the data is collected with cron every minute and saved into mysql database. The website is updated every 5 minutes. The weather station is located in Ljubljana, Slovenian capitol. It can also be found on

Sweden Väddö

Running on nlsu2-debian.Updated every 5 minutes.Imagemagic creates text on pictures.

Data also sent to cwop and wu.

Delft Weather station - The Netherlands

This weather station operates from August, 2004, almost without data loss. Data is updated every 10 minutes. The website is on my home-PC with is regularly off-line. It shows tables, graphs, trends and some data analysis. The website is written with PHP, MySQL and JPGraph.

Weather Station Vinkhuizen, The Netherlands

Running on NSLU2-Unslung operating from April 19th 2009. A big thanks to Kenneth!

Weather at Højen in Skanderborg, Denmark

Running on OpenSuse Linux Using fix for highspeed servers and USB to Serial interface. Source can befound here
Topic revision: r41 - 16 Mar 2016, TomasJensen
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