Open2300 - Open Weather
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OpenWeather Windows GUI


OpenWeather is a user interface for Open2300.

OpenWeather is compiled for windows.

Besides beeing a user interface it also generates *.jpg pictures of all graphs possible to use on a website.

Detailed Description


Attached Files

'OpenWeather.exe': Main executable

'ZedGraph.dll': Required dll for graph generation

All files included in zip archive.


MSI installer comming soon, while waiting:

Create a folder where you want to store the program, i.e. C:\Program\OpenWeather Copy 'OpenWeather.exe' and 'ZedGraph.dll' to the OpenWeather folder.

From the Open2300 project, copy 'open2300.conf', 'histlog2300.exe' and 'fetch2300.exe' to the OpenWeather folder (files included in zip archive).

Create a folder 'log' and a folder 'pictures' in the OpenWeather folder (folders included in zip archive).

For new installations, where no log files exist, run program for approximately 3 minutes before current weather is added. Graph data is collected every 30 minutes thus no graphs will be shown until after, worst case, 30 minutes.

Users Guide



First beta release

Minimize button added.
Kill fetch2300 and histlog2300 processes if not completed correct (seen when returning from S3 standby).

Comments and Bug Reports

Topic revision: r2 - 15 May 2010, RikardAgrell
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