Open2300 - Support Question 2005x 12x 30x 044134

Weathergraphs - need more than 36 hours or 7 days of data to work


Hi, I have the open2300 package working great with my WS-2317 system.

I also have the weathergraphs package mostly working, but having problems with the rain24h.php, raintotal.php, and airpressure.php.

The problem with those three is that they hang and never deliver a graph, but rather the broken-image symbol. If I run those php files separately, they give an error that a 30 second timeout has been exceeded.

I don't know much about php yet, so I am no good at sleuthing the problem, but I wondered if this is related to how much data has been accumulated, since the fseek number is a lot larger? I have only logged just under two days' worth of data.

Will these start working after a time? I am recording at 10 minute intervals in my cron job.

Note that the recording machine is running Apache 1.3.33-6 and php4.4.1-0.

Separately, I am wondering if these graphs being produced will adjust their time legend as time passes. Right now, it is showing a mark at every hour for the past 36 hours, and they are getting close together. Will they continue to squeeze together more and more, or will they eventually turn into days and eventually months instead of hours (a la MRTG)?

Just wondering. If it won't handle long term logging, I can write some scripts to use MRTG or rrdtool for this. In case that happens I can post the how-to here if anyone is interested.

Thanks again for this great set of tools for the 2300 series!



Open2300 version: 1.10
Server OS: debian linux sarge 2.4.27 kernel

-- JohnCirillo - 30 Dec 2005


The programs in Weathergraphs need enough data to work. Most need 36 hours. A few 7 days.

They either show the last 36 hours or last 7 days. rain24h.php, raintotal.php, and airpressure.php are the onces that show last 7 or 8 days (cannot remember exactly). They will not sqeeze time.

They are all easy to modify.

Topic revision: r2 - 30 Dec 2005, KennethLavrsen
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