Open2300 - Support Question 2006x 04x 24x 121330

Request a Weather Station with an Serial to Ethernet adapter



I did the same question before, but I don't see it in the twiki, so maybe I have done something wrong. I will try to explain again. First of all, I'm very sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand me a little bit.

I will have several La Crosse Weather Stations in several places of my State (I'm from Spain). That places ara connected to an intranet, the same that my PC and web server.

I know about several products to provide Serial to Ethernet connectivity, with good results in other situatios, and with LaCrosse Weather Stations too, as I have seen in the Mailing List (Thanks Bob), but the software used was another different from open2300.

My server runs Debian GNU/Linux, and I think that to use open2300 would be the better option to request for data, and then store it on the server, and make the web pages with graphs on my own.

My question is about if you think that open2300 can request that station, connected to net, simply by providing an IP adress in that Intranet for each weather station. I have no previous experience with that configurations, and I don't know much about the way histlog2300 (for example), "request" the serial port, so I don't know if it can be called with an IP address, not a Serial Port.

I hope I'm clear. I would be very grateful for your answer, I think it should be great if open2300 could work in that way. Thanks a lot for your support.


Raúl Pintor


Open2300 version: 1.10
Libraries: mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Debian Sarge

-- RaulPintor - 24 Apr 2006


I think your problem is if your hardware supports setting the control lines manually. The hardware interface to the station requires that two control lines are fixed high and low.

See OpenWSAPI Physical connection.

-- KennethLavrsen - 01 May 2006
Topic revision: r2 - 01 May 2006, KennethLavrsen
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