Open2300 - Support Question 2007x 02x 17x 154356

problem with mysql2300 from svn (timetamp)


hello, after your previous answer I did just like you said and installed svn version. it compiled without error. thank you.

now I have the following problem, the timestamp doesn't come out like it should and it prevents the data from being fed to mysqldb. What i don't understand is that I don't see the recdate and rectime fields, did the database structure change ?

[root@nuxserver bin]# mysql2300 Could not insert row. INSERT INTO weather VALUES ( NOW(), '22.4','10.7','3.2','39','60','0.0','0.0','N','10.7','0.0','0.0','2152.3','961.3','Falling','Rainy' ) 1136: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

thank you. JC


Open2300 version: 1.10
Libraries: mysql, postgresql
Server OS: mandriva 2007

-- JcJadin - 17 Feb 2007


There was a patch that change rec_date and rec_time to one value. AFAIK the patch is under discussion and not released. Your mysql2300 is using the new structure. Please open bug report on that. @Kenneth: Please see my comment on the database change in the patch you already merged with the current code stream.

-- OschenLars - 25 Mar 2007
Topic revision: r2 - 25 Mar 2007, OschenLars
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