Open2300 - Support Question 2008x 01x 27x 055546

"Could not reset" error message



I've been using open2300 project for 2 years on a WS2300 weather station, i'm running it on a old Pentium 3 (700mhz). I had like no problem during all this time and for the second time i have a "could no reset" message each time i try to use on of the open2300 programm. It stopped working when the computer was running, nothing special happend. For example, fetch2300 takes like 4 minutes to give this message. I didn't changed anything in the configuration, i tried on both serial ports : the problem is the same. I've tested the station on aanother computer (backup server, same configuration) : it's working.

I tried to install the last version 1.10, same problem. It already happend a long time ago, but the problem stopped after resetting the computer, but this time, i can do anything, it's still stuck.

Can you please give me a way to investigate the problem ? Mayb it's a lock file ?




Open2300 version: 1.10
Libraries: mysql, postgresql
Server OS: Mandrake 10

-- PascalMourier - 27 Jan 2008


I got the same problem on an Ubuntu server (Hardy distribution) on a small i386 server (zonbu-like). I use a PL2303 converter attached to a USB port.This problem seems related to a mixing between ttyUSB* and ttyS* devices.

The answer for me was to move /dev/ttyS0 elsewhere (or delete it) and then symlink it to ttyUSB0 (or USB1, depending on your installation) :

cd /dev && ln -s ttyUSB0 ttyS0

After that, it worked like a charm.


Topic revision: r2 - 28 Jul 2008, EDeVito
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