Motion - Signals Kill
You are here: Foswiki>Motion Web>MotionGuide>SignalsKill (29 Nov 2007, FanTomas)Edit Attach

Signals (sent with e.g. kill command)

A signal can be sent from the command line by typing e.g. kill -s SIGHUP pid, where the last parameter is the process ID which you get by typing ps -ef ¦ grep motion. The PID is the first on the list which is the parent process for the threads. Motion responds to the following signals:

Signal Description Editors comment
SIGHUP The config file will be reread. This is a very useful signal when you experiment with settings in the config file.
SIGTERM If needed motion will create an mpeg file of the last event and exit  
SIGUSR1 Motion will create an mpeg file of the current event.  

-- KennethLavrsen - 18 Sep 2004
Topic revision: r6 - 29 Nov 2007, FanTomas
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