Motion - Support Question 2007x 05x 05x 184318

How to, on two equal bt878 cards, each one with 1 camera


To have better frames x second performance .

Works fine with 1 card, and 1 camera.

But, with a 2th card, and a 2th camera, the 2th motion instance, gets out of control.


Motion version: 3.2.3-1 ubuntu 3
ffmpeg version: 3.0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu1
Libraries: ffmpeg
Server OS:  

DPrinting capabilities for '/dev/video0'...
Device name:                                  BT878 video ( *** UNKNOWN/GENER
Can capture to memory:                        Yes
Has a tuner of some form:                     Yes
Has teletext capability:                      No
Can overlay its image onto the frame buffer:  Yes
Overlay is Chromakeyed:                       No
Overlay clipping is supported:                Yes
Overlay overwrites frame buffer memory:       No
The hardware supports image scaling:          Yes
Image capture is grey scale only:             No
Capture can be of only part of the image:     No
Number of radio/tv channels:                  4
Number of audio devices:                      1
Maximum capture width:                        768
Maximum capture height:                       480
Minimum capture width:                        48
Minimum capture height:                       32
Channel:                                      0
  Name:                                       Television
  Tuners:                                     1
    Number of the tuner:                      0
    Canonical name:                           Television
    Lowest tunable frequency:                 0
    Highest tunable frequency:                2147483647
    PAL tuning is supported:                  Yes
    NTSC tuning is supported:                 Yes
    SECAM tuning is supported:                Yes
    Frequency is in a lower range:            No
    The norm for this tuner is settable:      No
    The tuner is seeing stereo audio:         No
    The tuner is seeing a RDS datastream:     No
    The tuner is seeing a MBS datastream:     No
  Channel has audio:                          Yes
  The input is a TV input
Channel:                                      1
  Name:                                       Composite1
  Tuners:                                     0
  Channel has audio:                          Yes
  The input is a camera
Channel:                                      2
  Name:                                       S-Video
  Tuners:                                     0
  Channel has audio:                          Yes
  The input is a camera
Channel:                                      3
  Name:                                       Composite3
  Tuners:                                     0
  Channel has audio:                          Yes
  The input is a camera

# Minimal motion example config file provided by the
# Debian motion package - for basic webcam operation.
# You most certainly want to investigate
# /usr/share/doc/motion/examples/motion-dist.conf.gz
# for further configuration options. Also, refer to the
# motion man page and /usr/share/doc/motion/motion_guide.html
# for detailed information on configuration options.

# noise_level 32
noise_level 20
noise_tune off
# threshold 1500
threshold 200
threshold_tune off
# ffmpeg_deinterlace on
norm 1
post_capture 1
pre_capture 0
output_normal off
gap 20000
low_cpu 10
daemon off
quiet off
text_double on
# You may very well need to change this (check with 'dmesg'
# after plugging in your webcam)
videodevice /dev/video0
# Image size in pixels (valid range is camera dependent)
width 640
height 480
framerate 10
quality 100
auto_brightness off
# Initial brightness, contrast, hue (NTSC), and saturation
# 0 = disabled (valid range 0-255)
brightness 95
contrast 128
saturation 128
hue 128
# Encode movies in real-time (install ffmpeg before enabling)
ffmpeg_cap_new on
# Codec to be used by ffmpeg for the video compression.
# Supported formats: mpeg4, msmpeg4.
ffmpeg_video_codec msmpeg4
# Target base directory for pictures and films
# You should probably change this (create dir beforehand)
target_dir /home/root2/tmp/webcam0
# Define a port number (e.g. 8000) to enable the mini-http server
# 0 = disabled
webcam_port 0
# Set to 'off' to allow anybody (not just localhost) to view the
# webcam via the mini-http server (http://hostname:port)
webcam_localhost on
webcam_quality 50
webcam_maxrate 1
# TCP/IP port for the http server to listen on (default: 0 = disabled)
control_port 0
# Restrict control connections to localhost only (default: on)
control_localhost on
# Output for http server, select off to choose raw text plain (default: on)
control_html_output on
# Authentication for the http based control. Syntax username:password
# Default: not defined (Disabled)
; control_authentication username:password

-- CrisLobin - 16 May 2007


What do you mean "out of control"?

What card are you talking about?

What is the configuration you use?

We need a better error report to be able to even consider resolving anything.

-- KennethLavrsen - 06 May 2007

I reformatted your config text. Note how I put plain text inside <verbatim> and </verbatim> tags to get the text shown unformatted with all new lines. Also note that you can attach files to the topic.

You run with an old version of Motion. And the config file you use is some crippled version that someone that understands very little about customers put on a debian repository.

Please use the current version of Motion and use a full config file so you have control of everything.

On the DownloadFiles you have access to both sources and rpms and debs. Since you run debian you should be able to download and install the deb package that fits your distro. We have fixed quite many errors since 3.2.3 which was released 16 Aug 2005. People should really upgrade before submitting bugs reports and support questions.

-- KennethLavrsen - 17 May 2007
Topic revision: r4 - 17 May 2007, KennethLavrsen
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