PWC - Suse Linux
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Compilation with SUSE Linux

Distribution SUSE Linux v9.3  
Linux kernel  

Having downloaded pwc-10.0.7, and unpacked the kernel-source package, I basically followed InstallationStandAloneModuleKernel2x6. But there were compile errors! These were solved by

  1. Installing the Kernel Development and C/C++ Programming Tools packages from YAST.
  2. Building (though not using) a new kernel.
    1. From within /usr/src/linux, run make menuconfig.
    2. Save and quit without making any changes.
    3. Running make (which takes some time!)

After that, PWC would compile fine.

-- ChrisWillmot - 03 May 2005
Topic revision: r1 - 03 May 2005, ChrisWillmot
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